
Tell me whyTell Me Why Google 影片欣賞 ——Declan Galbraith  In my dream,children sing  A song of love for every boy and girl  The sky is blue and fields are green:  And laughter is the language of the world  Then i wake and all i see  Is a world full of people in need  Chorus:  Tell me why(why) does it have to be like this?  Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?  Tell me why (why) cos i don't understand  When so many need somebody  We don't give a helping hand Tell me why?  Everyday i ask myself  What will i have to do to be a man?  Do i have to stand and fight  To prove to everybody who i am?  Is that what my life is for  To waste in a world full of war?  chorus:  (children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why? (children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?  (together) just tell me why, why, why?  chorus:  chorus chant:  Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run)  Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun)  Tell me why (why,why do we never learn)  Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?  (why,why do we say we care)  Tell me why(why,why)在我的夢中少年總在唱著一首關於男孩和女孩的戀歌那裏有蔚藍的天空翠綠的原野笑聲是這個地球上共同的語言然而當我醒來看到的卻是一個滿布窮苦的世界告訴我這一切為什麼會變成這樣....為什麼我們面對這麼多貧窮的人卻不能伸出援手我要做怎樣一個人難道必須要做靠孤立和爭鬥來證實自己存在的人難道我生來就為了在充滿戰爭的世界裏浪費生命告訴我為什麼為什麼為什麼===================================================這mv這歌詞,我想會觸動每個人的心,我們大家可以為這美麗的地球做的更多,我們可以為彼此相互幫忙,從愛自己,再愛家人,再進一步的愛鄰居,愛地球上的生物、動物。這是我們作為人類可以簡單做到的事情。地球、人類、動物可以和平的生長,沒有戰爭及殺戮!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~引用:清海無上師的夢想我夢想全世界和平,我夢想世界不再有殺生,小孩子們可以過著和諧安樂的生活。我夢想國際間彼此可以握手言和、互相保護、互相幫助。我夢想這個幾千百萬億年愛心造就的美麗的星球不會被摧毀,我夢想它將會在和平、美麗與愛中延續下去。是的,這就是我的夢想!  .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .

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